About Us

Nagpur APMC was notified on dated 16th Nov 1974 under section 39A of Maharashtra Agricultural Produce Marketing (Regulation) Act 1963, and started working on dated 21st January 1975.

Before & even some years after the formation of Nagpur A.P.M.C., different markets like Grain market, Orange & Fruit market, Potato-Onion market, Chilli & Cattle market were existing at different places in Nagpur city. The founder members were of opinion that all the markets should be at one place near to the city. Having this objective in mind, the founder members requested the Nagpur Improvement Trust for allotment of a bigger land near Nagpur. Considering the aspect seriously, allotment of around 110 acres land was done in the year 1981.

After allotment of land to APMC, M/s Kirloskar Consultants, Pune were engaged for preparation of Physibility and Zonal plan report and it was produced by them in 1981-82.

After getting the physibility and Zonal plan report, the market committee approached the famous Architect of India M/s Shivdanmal Mokha, Nagpur for preparing the plan for construction of market. As the plan was ready by the architect and sanctioned by the Nagpur Improvement Trust, the market committee constructed the said Jawaharlal Nehru Market Yard by spending around 34 crore rupees during 1988 to 1992. All the submarkets existing in different parts of Nagpur city were shifted (except Itwari grain & Vegetable market) as per the govt. resolution to Kalamna Market Yard.

The development & construction made on the market yard are done from the own fund of APMC. There is not debt, subsidy or hypothecation on the committee from any bank, organization or any govt. institute and the facilities made available on the market yard are from the own source of the committee. Specially it is necessary to mention the efforts and contribution of the officers and the staff members of the APMC for making it a success.

Profile of Nagpur Agricultural Produce Market Committee Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Market Yard,Nagpur

S.No Particulars Details
1 Name and Postal Address Nagpur Agricultural Produce Market Committee
Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Market Yard,Kalamna Market,
2 Date of Notification   16th November 1974
3 Date of Regulation 21st January     1975
4 Regulation Act Maharashtra Agricultural Produce Marketing (Regulation) Act, 1963
5 Administering Authority 1. Director of Marketing Maharashtra State  Pune.
2. Divisional Joint Registrar Co-op Societies, Nagpur
3. District Deputy Registrar Co-op Societies, Nagpur as per 
    the powers delegated under various  section.
6 Extent of Market Committee 211 Villages of Nagpur Taluka.       
7 Name of the Principle and Sub-Market Yard Principle Market Yard :- Grain Market,  Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Market Yard, Kalamna,

Nagpur Sub-Market Yards:-

1) Orange & Fruit Market, Pt. Jawaharlal Market Yard, Nagpur
2) Chilli  Market, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Market Yard, Nagpur.
3) Cattle Market, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Market Yard, Nagpur.
4) Potato-Onion  & Vegetable Market  Pt. Jawaharlal  
    Nehru Market Yard, Kalamna, Nagpur.
5) Flower Market, Pt. Jawaharlal 
    Nehru Market Yard, Kalamna, Nagpur.
6) Mahatma Fule Vegetable Market,Nagpur
7) Cotton Market, Baidhyanath Sq.Ganeshpeth,Nagpur
8) Fodder Market, Itwara, Nagpur
9) Cotton Market, Butibori
8 Amenities 01) Auction Halls
02) Godowns
03) Roads 
04) Lights
05) Drinking water
06) Police station
07) Post office
08) Telegraph office
09) Canteens
10) Weigh bridges
11) Bore-wells
12) Warehouse
13) Shops for retailer
14) Overhead water tanks  
15) Farmers amenity center
16) Water  Treatment plant
17) Soil Testing Laboratory
18) Toilet Blocks
9 Warehouse   The committee has constructed a Warehouse having capacity of 3300 M.T. with a view to provide ware-housing facility to small and marginal farmers. The committee has launched  a scheme ‘SHETMAL TARAN YOJANA’ for farmers where 75% of the market value of the crop is given to farmers as a loan against the produce, for 180 days @ 6 p.a.
10 Banks available in Market Yard

  1. Punjab National Bank
  2. Nagpur District Central Co-op Bank
  3. Nagpur Nagarik Sahakari Bank
  4. Saraswat Bank

11 Market Intelligence Methods used for Dissemination of market information A. Radio.
B. Notice Board
C. News Papers
E. On website www.apmcnagpur.com,   www.msamb.com, www.agmarknet.nic.in
12 Notified Commodities Maize, Wheat, Rice, Paddy, Tur, Moong. Sesmum,    Linseed, Groundnut, Gram, Soyabean, Chola, Jawar,  Bajra, Cotton seed Castor seed, Ambadi, Orange, Mango, Banana, Bor, & Other Fruits Chilli (Dry & Green), Turmeric, Cattle, Goat, Sheep, Chicken, Fodder, Cotton, Grass, Potato,Onion,
Suran, Tomato, Green vegetables, Lexcy vegetable, Korn, Sweet Potato, Garlic, Ginger, Coriander, Kochara, Other green vegetables.Cotton
13 Market & Financial Year 1stApril  to 31st March
14 Method of
By open Auction.
15 Rate of
Market Fee
Rs. 1/- Per 100/- Rs.
16 Authority for auditing the account of Market Committee Special auditor Co-op Societies (Statutory Audit) and Chartered Accountant employed by the institution.
17 Market Functionaries
  Type of Market Functionary Licence Fee in Rs. Renewal in Rs.
1 Adtya (Commission Agent)  100 90
2 Traders A, B, C  100,50,30 90,45,25
3 Brokers  100 90
4 Processor A, B   100,50 90,45
5 Weighmen  10 09
6 Warehouse 15 14
7 Helper   05 04
8 Hamal 05 03
18 Functionaries operating in the yard last 3 years
Year Adtiyas Traders
2014-2015 945 2409
2015-2016 961 2683
2016-2017 920 2692
19 Processing Units in the market area 178  Licenses
20 (A) Details of the Market
Yard (Area)
01. Grain Market
02. Chilli Market
03. Cattle & Fodder Market
04. Orange & Fruit Market
05. Potato Onion & Vegetable Market
06. M.F.Vegetable Market
07. Cotton Market, Nagpur
08. Cotton Market Butibori (4.+5.35)
09. Fodder  Market Itwari 03.00 Acres
  (B) Total Land in Possession Total Land Area 140 Acres
  (C) Storage Godowns
1. Godown at Mkt Yard         
Capacity 1000 MT
2. Godown at Butibori
Capacity 1000 MT
3. Warehouse at Mkt Yard Capacity 3300 MT
21 (A) Details of Auction Halls
    Nos. Areas  
1. Grain Market
12 11616
2. Fruit Market
05 08744
3. Chilli Market
04 05476
4. Vegetable Market
05 04112
5. Chilli Drying platform 02 02370 Sqm
  (B)Details of Shops Cum Go-downs
1. Grain Market  Shops
2. Fruit Market Shops
3. Chilli Market Shops
4. Potato Onion Market Shops 082
5. New Grain Market 259
22 Amenities
1. Shops for retailer
160 Nos.
2. Godown 1000 M.T (Mkt Yard Nagpur)
1 No.
3. Godown 1000 M.T. (Butibori)
1 No.
4. Ware House  (Mkt Yard Nagpur 3300 MT)
1 No.
5. Water Treatment plant 1 MLD
1 No.
6. Water troughs for Cattles
4 Nos.
7. Mitlch Cattle Shed
3 Nos.
8. Overhead water tank  5.0 Lac Lit
2 Nos.
9. Sump 13.00 Lacs Ltrs
2 Nos.
10. Bore well
22 Nos.
11. Weigh Bridge
3 Nos.
12. Farmers amenity center
1 No.
13. Administrative Building
1 No.
14. Shetkari Niwas (Capacity 180 Bed)
1 No.
15. Police Station
1 No.
16. Post & Telegraph office
1 No.
17. Cold Storage
4 Nos.
18. Electric supply sub-station 750  KVA
1 No.
19. Electric supply sub-station 500  KVA 1 No.
20. Disel Generator Capacity 200 KVA 1 No.
21. Disel Generator Capacity 320 KVA 1 No.

23 Annual Income & Expenditure for previous three Financial Years
Year Income Rs. in Lacs Expenditure Rs. in Lacs
2014-2015 3918.00 2143.00
2015-2016 4138.00 2095.00
2016-2017 4235.00 2472.00
24 Annual Turnover for previous three Financial Years
Year Amount  
2014-2015 2509.00 Crores
2015-2016 2536.00 Crores
2016-2017 2389.00 Crores

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